
Week 5 (MudBathLaundry: Wallpaper!! and stuff)

Hi friends! Who else is limping toward the finish line? We’re going to make it, but I’m fighting a cold and it seems like never ending tasks. BUT that’s the beauty of these weekly posts, they force me to look back and see how far we’ve come even in one week. This week I’m going

Week 5 (MudBathLaundry: Wallpaper!! and stuff) Read More »

Week 4 (MudBathLaundry: So Fresh and Clean)

Goodbyyyyeee Week 4!! This one flew by, partly because we went out of town to celebrate some big birthdays for my mom and brother, BUT despite the break we’ve made some big progress on the finishes. This entire week has been bathroom-focused since we have the most work to do there. Luckily its a small

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